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490 items found for "self-created"
- Why Selling Can Be a Drag, and How to Overcome
In any given year, I’ll have thousands of great ideas in my business, but most of them die in my mind All of us entrepreneurs have great ideas. We’re visionary. Godpreneur Rule #68: opposition in selling our God-given calling means that we’re on the right track.
- Find a New Way to Sell Your Product or Service
Selling logos and websites since 2001, I’ve changed my pitch many times.
- Great learning app from Google
This is a great supplement to those. Let me know about your experience. #MarketingMyServices
- More Important than What You Sell, Is How You Manage Money
We Godpreneurs are passionate about our calling, but we need to be more passionate about selling our Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- Want to Launch a Christian Blog? How to Muster the Courage
opportunity to share this thought and help guide the entrepreneur to launching the business that God created Instead, the story of launching the business God created me to start has chapters that, until now, I re going to tell one day about the journey towards uncovering and bringing to life the business God created , created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- Overcoming The Pain Of Losing A Business
While it’s true that most pain we feel as entrepreneurs is self-created, that doesn’t mean we create
- Emotional Pain in Entrepreneurship
He does NOT want us operating in the Spirit and doing the business God created us to do. that pain comes from the external world and we start blaming others for our suffering, it is, in fact, self-created
- Suppressing the Entrepreneur's Ego, God's Way
An inflated sense of self is shown to be destructive throughout the Bible. All the various forms of modern idolatry in entrepreneurship have a self at their very core and glorify How to Battle the Enemy Dying to self is the polar opposite of ego. This doesn't mean that we cease to be unique individuals or to have a sense of self. But it means that we are no longer prideful or self-obsessed.
- How to Build a Personal Brand While Staying Humble
other personality types out there where serving doesn’t come naturally, and instead, there’s more of a self-centered All of us Christians building a personal brand can be a bit self-centered. building a personal brand is that we put ourselves in a position to forget about God and be consumed with “self God created us to be givers. Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- Let’s Define Confidence God’s Way
It’s a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's abilities or qualities. Lastly, according to Google’s dictionary, Confidence also means; “A feeling of self-assurance arising By this time, my only choice, I thought, was to rely on my “Self-Confidence,” which was also a recipe I began to rely on my image for self-confidence, which made me feel good about myself but only for a worship “self,” believing that we are “self-made,” but this can not be further from God’s truth.
- Mind Your Mind to Thrive in Business
Before giving my life to Christ in 2014, my approach to business was self-reliance and self-centeredness Back then, when fear, anxiety, and doubt ruled my thoughts, I thought self-control and “positive thinking Do a google search for “mindset,” and you’ll find thousands of “self-help” resources available at your
- Understanding That Your Blog is a Work in Constant Progress
Sometimes, self-doubt creeps in, and I wonder if I’m wasting my time blogging if I should continue, was We Christian business bloggers will all run into self-doubt at some point. God knew you would have self-doubt, and that’s why you have the Holy Spirit to call on and inspire you He called us for his great purpose. He wants to continue to justify and glorify us. Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- Why Your Character Defines Your Success in Business
When author Stephen Covey wrote his best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he was It is not through our works, our goodness, or our own self-righteousness that we are reconciled to God fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
- Refocusing Your Ambition
I confess that I’ve had unhealthy ambitions to create a name for myself, and this temptation still plagues I’ve created out of a desire to make a name for myself, or, to put it in more worldly terms, to accumulate I think that if I write a bestselling book, or sell a business for millions of dollars, or have hundreds Because of the gospel, I am free to work and create not as a means of making a name for myself, but as (PS – I write self-deprecating blog posts for 3 reasons. First, to confess to others.
- Good and Bad Ambition
As Christians, is it possible to be ambitious in our entrepreneurial ventures and still have our self-worth Tons of self-help books and motivational coaches tell us that ambition is essential to accumulating wealth Creating a new business is not inherently bad. But when we create a business out of a motivation to make a name for ourselves, we are attempting to Proverbs 16:2 NIV While Scripture makes clear that creating to make a name for yourself constitutes improper