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A place to publish your inspired writings

God wants to use you to inspire change in the marketplace.  He has given you authority and expertise in a certain area of business.


That’s why we’ve created a home for Christian business writers and experts. It’s simple to use, free from ads, and connects you to thirsty, avid readers, so you can focus on what matters: putting your inspired work out there for all the world to know.

Researching and Writing

This is your space


Laptop Writing

Gain exposure

We believe ideas are God-inspired, and He wants to reward your obedience


Christian business writers should be exposed for obediently responding to the call to teach and share their marketplace revelations.


That’s why any writer can join the Daily Godpreneur team and gain exposure when members read their stories.

Try new features first

We’re always looking for new ways to help you tell your story. If you’d like to be the first to try our upcoming tools, join the beta waitlist

We love quality ideas - and writing 

Stories published on Daily Godpreneur should foster thinking that educates, inspires, and moves understanding forward. We’ve created some best practices to ensure everyone’s on the same page.


Full editorial guidelines

High Fives
Daily Godpreneur Editorial Guidelines
Make it yours

All writing and images must be your own, or must be used with permission or citation.


Keep it Ad-Free

Daily Godpreneur doesn’t accept advertising.


Please don’t market yourself or other products, feature advertisements, or include requests for claps or donations.

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Raise the bar

Daily Godpreneur readers seek depth and nuance.


So we recommend publishing your best analysis, reporting, essays, and ideas - and avoiding listicles or fluff pieces.

Start with an idea

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