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490 items found for "self-created"
- Communication is The Anthem of Change
God wants us to be great communicators by listening and really knowing your partners needs. Communication is also listening and empathizing its really a self-less act.
- How Hard (and necessary) It Is to say “I’m Sorry, You’re Right”
Easier said than done, but imagine if we all operated from this mindset of self-reflection and personal Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- The 7 Habits: Godpreneurs Synergize
In fact, I believe that God wants us to create synergistic relationships throughout our entire entrepreneurial passages that speak to the value of cooperation, teamwork, and unity, which are essential components of creating These values are essential components of creating synergistic tasks or relationships in Kingdom-driven understand each other's roles in the relationship and use the contributions of others as a springboard to create Imagine if Christian entrepreneurs worldwide developed a significant degree of self-confidence, (as well
- Feeling Alone In Business? Read This!
In fact, the original intent of my company 11 years ago, Creative Complex, was to be a complex (like a compound) of creatives working together. As humans, we were created to be in a community with others. These are followed by the need for safety and security, then belonging or love, self-esteem, and finally You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent."
- How to Condescend … In a Godly Way
I foresee lawsuits and a Twitterstorm of self-righteous indignation. We can also swim in self-hatred, unforgiveness and cursing, to avoid surrender, reconciliation, union When he isn’t writing content for clients, you’re most likely to find him building relationships and creating
- Overcoming Work Addiction: Step 6 – New Perspective
Imagine a world where, through intentional self-reflection, using these tips, we all see God’s loving Godpreneur Rule #59: Godpreneurs self-reflect to uncover areas where God wants to break us…to heal us
- Overcoming Anxiety in Business Part 1 – God Leads the Way
Think back to a day when you were waiting with great anticipation and excitement. What I’ve come to discover is that this is a great opportunity to come face-to-face with God’s ultimate You see, more often than not, especially for self-made Godpreneurs, is that we are facing problems that we cannot solve: this customer I must sell, that person I must hire, this business debt I must pay, Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- Jealousy When Other Entrepreneurs Succeed
I’ve always struggled with this because I partly do self promotion and partly do marketing of my company
- Miracles Are Cool, But This Is Even Better For Your Business
Daily Bible time, however, takes self-discipline…the same kind of discipline it takes to be an entrepreneur
- How to Build Strong, Lasting Relationships With Clients
the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control
- Choosing Your Working Team With Discernment
deeper and states in Colossians 3:9 (AMP): “Do not lie to one another, for you have stripped off the old self
- Letting the Spirit Run your Business
including our relationships with partners, employees, and clients, and, crucially, increase our sense of self-esteem
- How Past Business and Marriage Problems Are Blocking Your Growth
It’s a self-defense mechanism. Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- Finally, the Surprising Root of Anxiety In Business Exposed [and the Solution]
However, this self-reliant duty and obligation is the very thing that brings the stress and anxiety.
- Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea – Step 11: Launching with Faith
Risk seekers…well, it’s pretty self-explanatory…they like to take risks. I’m a risk seeker. Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create