God’s Right On Time: Part 2 – You’re Being Set Up
Updated: Feb 11, 2021
I feel like I’m being set up. Not in a bad way, but in a great way! I’ve come to understand setbacks and waiting seasons as “training” that God will eventually have a plan for. I don’t know it yet, but the reason will be clear later.
How do I know this? God’s done it before.
I was a nightclub promoter for 10 years. In that role, my job was to convince people that I had the hottest ticket in town to the night of your life. Year-after-year I grew my reputation as the guy you called when you wanted to celebrate on South Beach in style.
My branding and marketing agency was also nightlife focused. Hot clubs from around the world used us for logos, websites and graphic designs.
Professionally, I learned a lot about hospitality, customer service, providing a wow experience, promotions, entertainment, and salesmanship.
Then God called me out of that life in 2014, and I took my talents and left South Beach and the nightlife altogether. Where did God take me? To help churches, non-profits, small business owners and entrepreneurs with their branding and marketing.
I feel like I was being set up the entire time. Although the nightlife was fun, it was also a deep, dark, lonely place. But now I know why I was there: because one day I would be a light to those in the dark, and my story would be one seen by others of redemption and restoration. I would also take all of the professional skills learned and apply them to my new life.
God has a plan, purpose and will for our business lives. Before we were born, we were appointed to do something amazing in the marketplace. How awesome is our God that He had a plan from the start!.
But it’s hard for us to see that when we’re in the thick of our circumstances. The setbacks, sad times, challenges and disappointment, along with all the fun times, blessings, growth and momentary successes are all part of a training God has uniquely designed for a great thing only He can do. Everything that’s happened and is happening in our businesses are working together for our good for the plans, purposes, and will of God through our businesses.
As we journey on the entrepreneur rollercoaster in the dark with no lights warning of the oncoming drop and inevitable jarring turn, trusting God is absolutely paramount in our business lives, although we might not understand how all of the pieces of the puzzle will come together.
The Bible says:
"You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." Hebrews 10:36 NIV
When you trust God with your business, knowing that He loves you and will never leave nor forsake your business, you are empowered to faithfully believe that God’s training is for where He is taking you in the marketplace.
The training God has us Godpreneurs going through is market-timed and on purpose! Like an Olympic athlete training for his day on the podium, your training through business is strengthening you for where God has ordained your ventures to go.
No matter what, remember faith and obedience is God’s way to the top of your industry.
When God let that other business fail, it was to show you the new product or service you had to release.
When God denied you that big client you really wanted, it was to save room for the even bigger client he had lined up for you already.
When God didn’t allow for your course to be released yet, it was because you still needed to be consecrated to some past limiting beliefs and mindsets.
When God didn’t allow that past relationship to succeed, it was to bring you the spouse that would partner with you on your business to take it to the heights he had planned. Allow these real-life personal examples of timely training of my own to encourage you today. God is training you as an amazing Godpreneur to fulfill his plan, purpose, and will. God will be right on time, you just watch!