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490 items found for "self-created"
- Spiritual Disconnection Can Kill your Business – Here’s How
Since developing the habit of reading the Bible daily and journaling my thoughts, I’ve created a mechanism But when I started seeing the bible as a business self-help book, I began to look forward to my morning Do you find your self-ish-ness for fortune or fame standing out more than your self-less-ness? Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- Finding Contentment Beyond the "Millionaire" Dream
But the truth is that we've created our own discontentment. The self-imposed pressure to “make it big” after graduating from an Ivy League school - especially comparing myself to others in my same age group - created a true rat race along my entrepreneurial journey that
- Be Honest to Your Partners
My pride and self-righteousness led me to believe that I had it all together, and this was the picture The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results." We hate having others see our less-than-perfect selves. When we openly confess our broken thoughts and actions, we allow God to create a crack in the false images
- Money: How Godpreneurs Should View It?
It makes us self-reliant and creates an illusion of being self-sustaining.
- The 100% Rule Will Save Your Business and Marriage
The irony is that the more you give up your old self to God, the more freedom your new self has. It’s called taking off our old self and putting on our Godpreneur self. Get connected to a great church take your relationship with God to the next level. Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- The 7 Habits: Godpreneurs Sharpen the Saw
unbalanced and it shows up in the form of conflict with business partners and employees, inability to find creative For you to perform at your highest capacity - the natural state that God created you in - you need to prioritize their inner lives and cultivate habits that lead to personal growth and development, including self-discipline I'd love to hear what you think about my series of teachings where I analyze the best-selling self-help Synergize The 7 Habits: Entrepreneurs Sharpen the Saw I pray you enjoy the series as much as I enjoyed creating
- How a Nightclub Promoter Found a Godly Path to Entrepreneurship
In his best selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Steven Covey teaches that since I'm convinced that it's the best self-help book on the planet for entrepreneurs. Habit 6: (coming soon) Habit 7: (coming soon) I pray you enjoy the series as much as I enjoyed creating
- The 7 Habits: Begin With the End in Mind
After one year, we would begin to look at selling the agency. So instead of fixing my eyes on my sin, or my self effort to become righteous, I fix my eyes on Jesus Synergize The 7 Habits: Entrepreneurs Sharpen the Saw I pray you enjoy the series as much as I enjoyed creating
- How to Make Both Your Marriage and Business Blessable - At the Same Time!
It does something for his self-esteem. We have to understand that our business was allowed to be created because the creator of the universe God expects us to be doing what He created us to do. Ephesians 2:10 says “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- His Love for Entrepreneurs Endures Forever: The History of Creative Complex and God’s Work In
I was so greatful and business was thriving. He poured great draughts of water down parched throats; the starved and hungry got plenty to eat.” But prayer brought the perfect space where Creative Complex now resides. 10-16 ”Some of you were locked God brought me back to focusing on Creative Complex and my new non profit at the time, Jose’s Hands. He gave the poor a safe place to live, treated their clans like well-cared-for sheep.”
- Are You Expecting Miracles from God?
Self-examination is necessary to know that God is necessary. important thing you’ll ever do in business won’t be the product or service you do; it will be the serious self-examination #LaunchingMyBusiness #BusinessBibleStudy #GodprneurAcademy The Business God Created You To Start Have Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create
- Healthy Ambition in Business
Godpreneurs, is it possible to be ambitious in our business ventures and still have our identity and self-worth
- The Fight to Stay on Track
It could be our own minds and self-limiting beliefs. It could be our lack of faith.
- How Entrepreneurs Connect with God Every Morning
And that's natural because, as entrepreneurs, we are self-employed, self-starting, and self-motivated Remind yourself every day that God, the creator of the universe, loves you, and He has his eyes on your You are His chosen representative in your industry, and He has called you to provide great services and
- Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea – Step 9: Getting Out of the Suffering Cycle
ve even developed a bitterness towards God for not allowing it to work, which leads me to shame and self-pity perseverance, but we must also keep moving along the pilgrimage of entrepreneurship to the place we were created You are on a journey in your business, and your destination is the business God created you to start. If we’re experiencing this, it’s probably a sign that we’re not doing the thing God created us to do. Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create