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Distraction-Free Godpreneurs – Part 4: Five Ways to Escape Distraction

Updated: Jan 29, 2021

Distractions can prevent us from fully reaching our goals if we let them. The problem with us visionary entrepreneurs is that we struggle to identify which opportunities are distractions because we confuse them with the drive behind which we hope to succeed.

What I’ve found is the best defense is a good offense.

For us entrepreneurs to be distracted less, we have to do some prep work in our mind and heart.

And God is faithful. Although the temptation to be distracted is all around us, we will never be tempted beyond what we can endure! Our success and help will come from God.

The bible says:

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it". (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV)

There’s hope for you because God strengthens us and gives us ways out.

Here are five ways out I’ve used to help me focus on my calling and listen to the Spirit guiding me step by step.

You’re Not Alone

First, it’s important to know that you’re not alone.

I used to think I was the only one with Shiney object syndrome. It turns out; this is a gift! Being able to spot out opportunities is a gift! But being able to put the idea in the right place is where wisdom comes in.

But all of us visionary entrepreneurs experience this and are thus called to be wiser and manage our ideas carefully in the spectrum of time.

Our struggles of distraction are normal. It doesn’t mean we are given the green like to execute on them always, only that we are not alone in this struggle.

Self-Effort is Impossible

You won’t be able to overcome distraction on your own. Instead, we Godpreneurs partner with God in our businesses.

The means and the power for overcoming distractions come from God.

And in His infinite wisdom, God gave us Jesus as an example of how to be focused on your calling. And God gave us the holy spirit to nudge us in the right direction.

We’re not alone, and we don’t have to do this on our own!

God’s Power Will Sustain Us

As entrepreneurs, we experience so many twists and turns in our business that when a different opportunity presents itself, we’re so weak that we’re tempted to get off of our calling and seek the instant gratification of the following money or avoiding the struggles.

As strong as the temptation to be distracted may feel, it pales in comparison to the power of God. Staying in your calling is like putting on a shield of armor because He will not allow you to be tempted or tested beyond what you can endure.

We might think it’s time to close up shop on our dreams, but that’s not the fact.

Fall More in Love with Your Calling

Distractions will be all around you. You won’t avoid them. And we should not pray for God to remove the distractions. That’s not what God promised.

God promises that He would provide an escape route. This means that the distractions will be there, but the escape route needs to be the focus.

An amazing escape route I’ve set up is to set up my strategic priorities and review them each day. All of my priorities are focused around my calling – to help people discover what they were born to do. So as long as I’m clear on my calling and I continue to refine those skills, I’m providing myself with a wider escape route as time goes on because I’m more committed to my calling.

Pray for God to give you wisdom about your purpose and strength to stay in the calling.

With these five tips, we can experience a total focus on our calling before the distractions threaten to take us off our path.


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