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Children's Devotional: Be Unique

Parent Instructions: If you're teaching your child entrepreneurship or doing a business together, read this devotional to them. I wrote this to teach my son, Aiden, about budgeting. Aiden and I have a snail shell air plant business together.



Have you ever had an idea that was unique and different from everyone else's? Maybe you thought of a new game to play with your friends, or a creative way to help someone in need. Well, just like in our everyday lives, having a unique idea is important in business too.

God has given each of us unique abilities and talents that we can use to serve Him and make a difference in the world. In business, having a unique idea can help us stand out from our competitors and make a positive impact in people's lives.

We can look to the Bible for examples of people who had unique ideas and used them to serve God. One such example is Bezalel, a skilled craftsman whom God called to build the tabernacle in the wilderness (Exodus 31:1-5). Bezalel had a unique set of skills and abilities that he used to make the tabernacle beautiful and functional, serving God in a special way.

Just like Bezalel, we too can use our unique ideas and abilities to serve God in unique ways. We can ask God to give us creative ideas that will help us make a difference in our business and in the lives of others.

Remember, we are all special and unique in God's eyes. He has given us talents and abilities that we can use to serve Him and bring glory to His name. Let's use our unique ideas to make a positive impact in the world and serve God in a special way.


Dear God,

Thank you for giving us unique ideas and abilities to serve you in special ways. Help us to use our creativity and talents to make a positive impact in the world and bring glory to your name. Please guide us as we seek to use our unique ideas in business and in all areas of our lives. We love you, Lord.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


Then the Lord said to Moses, “See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts. (Exodus 31:1-5)


God gives us each unique abilities to serve him. We can turn those abilities into a way of making money either by being an employee and having a job or an entrepreneur and having a business.

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