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373 items found for "more-sales"

  • It’s How You Finish

    It’s the same philosophy and mindset when we’re trying to restore the relationship with our business Or, even worst, we think we’ve resolved the issue when the problem is much deeper and more work needs to be done to uproot the problem, but we believe we are good to move on and keep running the business

  • Let Your Company Create an Identity with God Intervenience.

    I’ve been checking my heart a lot more to see if the things I’m doing in my business are lined up with But then I came to know Jesus, and he saved me from my sin. (Luke 2:10‭-‬11 NIV) Jesus came to save you and your business. He saves us from ourselves, therefore he saves our businesses. Jesus lives to save us, sinners. God is here today, with us and our businesses.

  • How Do I Find My Purpose In Business and Life? [6 Keys]

    Do you wake up every morning to run a business you hate, with clients and employees you don’t like, getting I will carry you along and save you." Before you were born, he created you for your entrepreneurial purpose and at the same time, He created There’s always someone who seems more successful or more accomplished than you. Moses Yes, Lord You are a mighty warrior and deliverer Moses was a shepherd hiding from the law.

  • Laying your Foundation on God’s Promises

    If my employee promises to deliver something by a certain date, I’m able to trust and move on to other We need promises around us, especially in a world that doesn’t want you to succeed, move up, and make Past experiences will make us feel doubt and anxiety, holding us back from experiencing more out of our When we find ourselves out of ideas, desperate to know what the next move is, it’s promised that will We need promises around us so that we can keep moving forward, keep creating, and push through to purposed-focused

  • Branding the Bigger Picture

    As I began to seek out more purpose and meaning in my work, God began to reveal to me the bigger picture The water is a temporary thirst quencher, but we’ll be thirsty for more later.

  • Overcoming Obstacles to Launching Your Idea – Step 4: Throw Out Logic

    My love for mathematics and chess made me someone that needed logic and reasoning to make my move. But seeing God work in amazing and wondrous ways of being my visions to life has helped me to become more It was the same with James and John, Zebedee’s sons, coworkers with Simon.

  • Fighting for Fairness

    If he could insult me, especially copying my partner, that give me the open the door to do the same back We can meet our business partners mistakes with a response that heals and moves the business to a whole For more help on your business partnerships, visit, and check out the

  • You’re in the Right Place

    I feel like there’s so much more for me to do. How can you be more intentional in your current situation? #EnhanceFocus

  • Finding Balance in Business Partnerships

    Godpreneur Rule: Godpreneurs take “time-out” to add more balance to our lives!

  • Ask God to Use Your Anger and Disappointment to Transform You

    result, we never learned what these feelings were trying to teach us and endlessly looped around the same In order to give more of yourself rather than pull back, you need to reframe anger and disappointment

  • 7 Bible-Based Principles of ‘Timing’ to Ensure Your Business’s Success

    Your life is in measure of macro - second The rich and the poor have the same access to God’s given 24 The older you get as an entrepreneur, the more time eats into you. And the evening and the morning were the first day.’ In the same vein, it is a mere wasting of time and of resources to serve those who have been served before It is good to save time than to squander time.

  • What Resurrection Can Teach You About Life

    This means that the same inspiration that lived in Jesus didn’t die with him, but instead resurrected us some insight, but side-by-side with someone day in and day out in our businesses would be a lot more

  • Putting Jesus Christ as My Business Boss.

    I began to see God in everything in my business life, and I believed even more! Jesus can save us personally and professionally. You saved me and you save my business too. I repent of looking at my products and services to save me. You alone can rescue me. Make sure you keep Jesus at the center of it all, read the Bible every morning before starting your business

  • When We Feel We Need to Fix Everything, Do This

    In a moment when you’re weakest, the spotter comes in to save the day. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in

  • How Hard (and necessary) It Is to say “I’m Sorry, You’re Right”

    The Bible says: “Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with

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