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Writer's pictureAlex Miranda

Drop It, Leave It, Let it Go

Updated: Jan 19, 2021

In 2014 I made a huge decision for my business. Since 2005, we had primarily served the nightlife industry with graphics and websites.  But I had began to grow tired of serving the demanding nightlife world, and it wasn’t fulfilling anymore.  On top of that, I just didn’t feel it was something God wanted me to be in.

But how do I let go of 90% of my revenue? Where would the rest come from?  These are the questions I struggled with.  But I felt a peace about a new direction God wanted me to go in: help tens of thousands find their identity brand.

From one day to the next, I pulled the trigger. It came with some lay offs and a whole lot of uncertainty and prayer.

I believe that if I wouldn’t have made that decision, I wouldn’t be writing this blog today. You wouldn’t be reading this email. I wouldn’t have increased my relationship with God to the level it is at today. And my business wouldn’t certainly be as blessed as it is today.

There are times you will come in your business where God will ask you to drop it, leave it, and let it go.  But he’ll also back it up with a vision.

In the Bible we see a clear example of this in Genesis 12:1

“Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go out from your country, your relatives, and your father’s household to the land that I will show you. 2 Then I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great, so that you will exemplify divine blessing.”

God went on to come through with exactly what he promised, and today we’re all a living testimony to a vision fulfilled by God, through obedience followed by Abraham.

What visions have you had come true? What did you do to bring them to pass? Perhaps God gave you a dream of a certain type of business, and you did it and you’re in it!  Congrats!!!!

Or, what visions has God given you that you have NOT pursued?  What could you be missing out on by not dropping, leaving, and letting go?

God is a vision-giver; He has visions for each of us that He intends to bring to pass if we listen and obey. Because of His greatness, He is able to fulfill those visions if we follow His lead and direction.

Godpreneur Rule #81:  Godpreneurs first listen, then obey, and lastly follow.

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