Feeling Depressed in Your Business? DO THIS NOW!
Updated: Dec 27, 2020
Sometimes in entrepreneurship, there are times of loss, confusion, stress, anxiety, and overall sadness. It could be something totally out of our control or something we caused.
These feelings leave us in a state of depression. We just want to crawl into a hole and hope that it all goes away on its own.
However, there is a way for us to, almost immediately, turn the negative feelings of depression into positive feelings of hope and opportunity!
Let me illustrate an example.
When I’m feeling down and depressed, if I grab my son and hold him in my arms, the feeling of sadness is immediately gone and I’m overtaken with joy and love.
How come one moment I was depressed, and the next moment I was full of joy? Because of the presence of my son.
In the same way, we entrepreneurs need to have a way for us to bring in a new opportunity into our lives in order to forget about the depression and flood our mind and body with feelings of faith, hope, and opportunity.
How do we overcome the sleepless nights when we don’t know where the next check will come from? How do we stop being overwhelmed by the negative and hateful anger that bombards our hearts during these troubling times? These feelings can leave us stuck in this pattern or hurt for a long time if it’s not dealt with.
All of us Christian entrepreneurs have been in the place of asking ourselves, “Is this the right business for me, why does this keep happening to me, am I ever going to get out of debt, will I never find an investor, am I never going to be happy in a business, I hate business, I just want to give up, entrepreneurship is hopeless.”
And, of course, the #1 question Christian entrepreneurs ask: “God, why are you doing this to me?!”
Ironically, that’s the BEST question to ask!!
This means you’ve instinctually done exactly what God wants you to do: come to Him.
The Bible says,
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30 MSG)
God has the way out. Prayer and yearning for Him is the first step out of tiresome and worrisome depression.
You might be suffering in your business right now. God wants to lead you out into His opportunities for you. When you ask God, and continually reach out for Him, you draw closer to the only true solution to your business problems.
What if depression was an invitation from God, reminding you that you’re not stuck in this hopeless situation alone and that He wants to be let into the solution.
What if God was inviting you on an amazing NEW journey of discovery and opportunity for your entrepreneurial career?
The psalmist says “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. (Psalms 16:11 NIV). This means that coming to God and asking him “WHY” is the beginning of the solution: surrounding yourself with the presence of God in order to uncover the business that He really wants you to be in.
Asking the ‘WHY ME’ question, to God is the beginning of prayer. And since we’re in prayer mode, we might as well have a strategy for prayer.
PRESENCE: The presence of God in our business will always be greater than our greatest ideas, clients, services, and any other entrepreneurial accomplishment that comes to mind. Our joy – starts and ends in God’s presence.
REST: Tired? Full of anxiety? Praying gives us a moment of rest.
ATTENTION: Praying puts us in a position to pay attention to God and listen for the solution. Stop giving the depression our attention, and let’s give God our full, undivided attention.
YEARN: The prayer of an entrepreneur is a sign of our love and need for God in our business. Praying is speaking to God, and speaking to Him is showing Him, love.
This is the business relationship He’s been desiring all along with us.
The antidote to depression in entrepreneurship is found in the presence of God.
That’s where we’ll experience joy because He’ll give us purpose, meaning, and a calling in business!
He’s not going to immediately make the debt go away. He’s likely not going to make you an overnight millionaire. He probably won’t fix all your business problems from one day to the next. He’s not going to just magically drop an unexpected check in your mailbox.
However, He can fill us all with immediate joy and hope that His presence is all we need, and we just need to start walking in the path that He uniquely created us to follow in entrepreneurship.
Imagine if all of us depressed entrepreneurs around the world (everyone has been here at one point or another) would seek out the indescribable and incomparable presence of God in order to begin our journey to new opportunities?
Overcoming Depression in Entrepreneurship
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