BOOK REVIEW – Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Updated: Dec 2, 2021
I’ve read the book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” many times. The last time I read it, I got the crazy idea of giving a book review, but from a Christian perspective. My goal was to take every concept of the book and run it through the Word of God and see what God has to say about it.
Want to know what I discovered?
I found that each and every concept taught in the book is something taught in the Bible too!.
I know anything with the word “Millionaire” in the title automatically brings skepticism, especially in the Christian community. But that’s EXACTLY the author’s main point – we have been pre-conditioned to think negatively about money, and this needs to change!.
An 11-Day Journey to a Millionaire Mind
My hope is that thousands of us Godpreneurs worldwide will take my 11-Day email video teaching together. Each day you’ll be able to comment on the lesson of the day and work through the concepts together. I’ll also be doing a few LIVE sessions during the 11 days to answer questions that come up.
What’s in it for me?
The bible says:
“Be Transformed by the renewing if your mind” (Romans 12:2).
We Godpreneurs must learn how to recognize that our thoughts could be wrong, and how we can adopt new attitudes and implant “millionaire thinking” into our minds.
There are key guiding principles and patterns in the minds of millionaires that help them accumulate wealth. They live by these rules and their minds don’t deviate from them. But not all of us grew up around millionaires, so our minds don’t operate like theirs. By the grace of God, we’re all able to think differently in order to produce a new outcome in our financial lives.
The best-selling book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (2005) explains how we Godpreneurs unconsciously developed behavioral patterns and strict attitudes in our relationship to money that we learned from our parents – and in order to change our future wealth, we need to transform our minds.
These lessons will show you:
How to Reprogram to Be Wealthy
Teaching Your Kids To Be Godly Rich
How to Handle Money God’s Way
Transforming Your Mind to God-Like Wealth
How to Break Bad Money Habits
First Step on the Path of Prosperity
How Christians (wrongly) Detract Money
The First Commandment To Becoming Rich
Want to Make a Million Dollars? Do This.
The Frugal Method to Becoming a Millionaire
You Must Overcome This to Become Rich
Begin the journey today! CLICK HERE to sign up.