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331 items found for "money-finance-accounting"

  • From E-Commerce Success to near Bankrupcy: The Greed That Can Destroy Godpreneurs and How to Overcome It!

    We had the right combination of ads and sales, profit margins were healthy, and more and more money kept flowing into the bank account. But then, my partner started spending money on materialistic possessions and luxury items. His desires became so insatiable that he started taking money from the business account (our money) to to ZERO, and the company was left in massive credit card debt because my partner had spent all the money

  • Count Your Blessings Daily

    I have a list to review at least once a week of all the crazy things God has come through within my business. Not kidding, here is the screenshot to prove it. And this list continues….I have a separate list of BIG victories that happened. It’s for those moments where you’re like “Dude, only God could have orchestrated this!”. The bible says "Give praise to the Lord , proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done." (Psalms 105:1 NIV) It’s important that we do this for a few reasons It will let you realize God is always in control. Helps you to not build pride thinking that you’re the one doing these things. Puts you in the position to receive more from God because your mindset is in gratitude attitude. We Godpreneurs need to have the habit of always praising God for the big and little in our business, and writing it down will help us keep record so we can always be reminded that God shows up. This is especially helpful to look at when business seems bad. Try it out. Comment with any other strategies you have. #ShareYourTestimony #WorkLifeBalance

  • Wisdoms Wednesdays: Leave An Inheritance, Even If You’re Broke

    For many years as an entrepreneur I didn’t make any money.  ’s children” Entrepreneurs, if you haven’t already, you should give serious thought to getting your financial

  • How Christian Entrepreneurs Support the Local Church

    (Proverbs 3:9-10) When you tithe, you are showing God that we have our priorities straight in our finances The same way we put aside money to pay for critical things like rent, cell phone, and car, we need to Godpreneur Money Rule #16: Godpreneurs honor God’s plan and purpose for tithing. Entrepreneurs This course will help you develop a better sense of money management God’s way. Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account

  • Prayer For a New Month

    I declare that all my business encounters this month shall be safe. My business finances will not enter into the clutches of financial hunger this month. I reject every spirit of financial embarrassment. I command every limitation to my health, finances, and business growth to be removed. I will not beg for money or anything else this month.

  • Children's Devotional: Budgeting, God's Way

    Budgeting, God’s Way Aiden loved to buy Nintendo games and candy, but he always seemed to run out of money Then, he helped him figure out how much money he had coming in from his snail shell business. Finally, he showed him how to make sure he put money in each envelope and save up enough money until From then on, Aiden always made sure to budget his the money coming in from his business. He was able to give to God, buy the things he wanted, and save up for vacation money!

  • Where Entrepreneurs Get Help When There's No Help to Be Found

    In college, I didn’t like my finance and accounting classes. After college, I started my business, and accounting wasn’t my priority. myself to save money. That day I sucked up my pride and hired the accountant’s monthly bookkeeping and financial advising services Sure, there are things we can save money on by doing ourselves at the beginning of the business, but

  • Stressful Accounting Meetings

    Maybe some of you like your periodic meetings with your accountant. Accounting meetings always represented stress because from very early on in my business we had struggled Tell your accountant it’s going to be all good. #AccountingHelp #DebtFreedom #MakeMoreMoney

  • Scaling Your Faith and Business: 21 Devotionals for Growth Without Compromise

    helps you embrace serving over selling, ensuring that you impact the world positively. 2) 5 Lies of Money and Business Money talks, but not always truthfully. This 5-day plan debunks common money myths that hold you back from God-backed business growth. 3) Waiting

  • In Every Business, There are 3 Stakeholders - One Servant and Two Masters

    When someone gives priority to money over God, he becomes a slave to money and forthwith controlled by It is never wrong for one to have money, but it is wrong for money to have one as a slave. The same is the case when one is a slave to money. You don’t want money to control your life, do you? You heard earlier that money is a bad master, right?

  • Finding Contentment Beyond the "Millionaire" Dream

    We're still driving that clunker, little to no money in savings, and still trying to figure out how we're And we cry out, “God, why haven't you brought me into the land of milk and honey yet?” I stopped listening to affirmations about money and possessions, and I settled into the power of Christ

  • Motives for Making Profit

    The motive for the money was different, so it changed your response. Changing your motives changes your money.

  • The Best Way to Sell is Not to Sell

    It's good to make money, though, but this traditional method is not sustainable in the long run. No sane person part with his money until he sees value in exchange. What people buy is value. Money flows in the direction of value. Receiving money is a blessing, but not a higher blessing. You are blessed when giving value. It's not just God bless you; the people will also bless you, in addition to the blessing of money.

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