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169 items found for "blogging"

  • The ONE Investment Christian Entrepreneurs Need To Make Today To Exercise and Experience Dominion

    Knowledge is so underrated. The turning point in the life of Adam and Eve was the advent of knowledge. They were instructed not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That suggests that good and evil might have already been at play in the world at that time, but Adam and Eve did not know of them (Genesis 2-3). You see, knowledge has the potential to turn anybody's life around. It has the ability to create. It can bring your downfall, as it can define your dominion. 1 Corinthians 2:8 says: ..."the princes of this world crucified the Lord of glory because they knew not the wisdom that was concealed for our glory". Did you see that? Even wisdom is known. In becoming who we were sent to be, Knowledge is essential. Hosea 4:6 tells us that the reason we perish is that we lack knowledge. John 8:32 tells us that it is known truth that sets us free. Knowledge is essential to make it in the life that we have been called to live. But until we avail ourselves to knowledge, having it and walking in it will remain a mirage. What does it mean to avail yourself of knowledge? It simply means to expose yourself to atmospheres and environments that celebrate, promote, and advocate for knowledge. It means to put yourself in the presence of someone who has knowledge and releases knowledge and be open to receiving it with meekness and gladness. You remember Mary and Martha when the Lord visited their home? Mary availed herself to knowledge, and the Master commended her for it. In fact, the Master said knowledge was the ONE THING that is needful (Luke 10:38-42). In considering knowledge, there are 3 things to be mindful of: The Source: God places a premium on the sources where we get knowledge from. It is because the source of knowledge determines whether or not it's worthy of our consumption. That's why God’s first thing addressed with Adam and Eve was the source of their knowledge when they said they were naked. He asked, "...who told you that you were naked?" (Genesis 3:11). The source of knowledge will determine the content of it. The Curation: Knowledge Curation is simply the organization of knowledge. Is the knowledge you're exposed to well organized to communicate meaning? Is it in the right progression? Is it in the right quality and quantity? Curation will determine the usefulness of knowledge per time. The Communication: The source/content of knowledge may be right. The curation may be accurate. But if its communication is wrong, it can change the whole narrative and make an impact on it. It can deter meaning and intent. That's why, as Christian Entrepreneurs, it's high time for us to start paying due attention to where and who we get our knowledge from. Who or where is the source of knowledge that we use in running our businesses? I think it's high time we started having our own kingdom summits, conferences, seminars, and workshops to submit to our King. We should not only be a talker but also a doer, I'm taking the first step in doing that. I'm putting together a 3-days life and business transforming summit for Christian Entrepreneurs who want to walk in dominion in the marketplace in 2021. The event is scheduled for December 17-19 and runs from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST daily. At the event, we have kingdom impact makers on the lineup to disburse knowledge. I’m talking people like Horst Schulze (Founder of The Ritz Carlton Hotel and The Capella Hotel Group), Jordan Raynor (Entrepreneur and Executive Chairman of Threshold 360), Joel Manby (Former CEO of Herschend Enterprises, Saab Automobile USA, and SeaWorld Parks), John Ruhlin (Founder and CEO of Giftology), Candace Junee (Digital Marketing Maven, Social Influencer and CEO of Epic Fab Girl and 11Eleven Fashion), Alex Miranda (Founder of Daily Godpreneur and CEO of Creative Complex), Rebekah Lyons (Author of Rhythms of Renewal), Carlos Whittaker (Author of Moment Maker and Kill The Spider) and Milton Chefoin (CEO of GEM Systems). Everyone speaking at the event has a proven track record of results that are befitting for the kingdom. Each and every one of them has honed in one specific area of focus, acquired, and become leaders in it. They are very well-curated at it and are now ready to communicate their knowledge with other Christian Entrepreneurs who are prepared to commit to leading lives and running businesses that reflect the Kingdom of God. Let’s share knowledge from God and lead you to DOMINION in 2021. Find out more at

  • See Your Blog Posts as a Record of Your Improvement

    As Christian bloggers called to speak into the lives of Godpreneurs (Christian entrepreneurs), our calling Christian Business Blogger Rule #1 – My writings are a record of God’s Word and faithfulness to me. #BusinessBibleStudy #ChristianBloggers #GodpreneurAcademy Keys to Successful Christian Blogging In this course, I'll give you some keys God taught me about how to write a successful Christian blog.

  • Deciding What to Cut Out So We Can FINALLY Launch our Christian Blog

    One of my biggest struggles in entrepreneurship is getting involved in too many things taking me in too many different directions. For me, it’s a blessing and a curse. My gifting is to activate, launch, press play, bring things to life, move forward despite all odds, and go into the unknown in faith. But if left unchecked, I can easily launch things that are out of line with where God wants me TODAY. I stress the word today because I’ve learned that just because I got a vision doesn’t mean that I need to press play today. Now I find myself going back and pausing (or even canceling) projects that I feel God may open up opportunities for later on. Christian entrepreneurs have good intentions or at least some kind of justification for the things we do in business. Most of us have this desire to do more and be more. God is so awesome to us that He’s given us the gift of vision – seeing our future in a different way. God has also deposited ambition in our hearts to fuel us along the journey of entrepreneurship. But too many times we take on projects we’re not meant to do right now, sacrificing the launch and focus of our God-First personal brand.  We don’t take the time to really stop, take a time-out, pray about it, sleep on it, or get guidance. And even though we had good, godly intentions behind our actions, we seem surprised when we find ourselves a long way from our goals and even further from the location where God wanted us to be today. How can we stop a train that’s already moving? How can we take time to really know what we’re supposed to focus on today? How do we develop the skill of easily dropping projects that, if we were honest, probably wasn’t the next step on our Godprenurial journey? The big changes in our business lives—both negative and positive—happen with a series of decisions we need to make as soon as possible. The Bible says "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:1‭-‬2 NIV) God’s Word says to “throw off everything that hinders.” Hinders what? Hinders from running the race marked out for us! You have a calling from God to launch and grow your personal influence in business. He’s waiting to use you. There’s something that God has put on your heart, and although the other things may seem related or a building block, it’s really a distraction that’s entangling you. When you’re entangled in other projects or businesses not related to your personal brand calling, you’re in sin because it’s disobedience to what God wants you to do TODAY. I know it’s harsh. It’s harsh for me too. I’m with you on this sin. But when a project, business idea, or job is taking us in a direction we know is moving farther away from the business God has called us to personally do, we need to pause not only to consider the financial and strategic consequences but also to decide to stop traveling in the wrong direction. How Can We Turn From Non-Calling Projects? The Bible verse above starts out with “therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses…” First, we need to realize that God didn’t design entrepreneurship to be a journey you travel on your own. He knew the enemy brings all these distractions and sins along the pilgrimage of your pursuing your personal calling. That’s why we have the Holy Spirit, the church, and a series of guides, coaches, consultants, and mentors along with way.  We might need to step toward accountability, a new partnership, or a new place to work from. Second, we have to “throw off everything that hinders” us from pursuing our calling.  We need to assess what’s taking us in a direction we don’t want to go or that God doesn’t want us to go? What do you need to stop completely?  What can we stop in order to move you closer to the business God created us to start? What we need to do to STOP distracting projects is Take a day or half-day. Fast and pray for guidance. Sleep on it. Get some godly wisdom from business people you trust. Picture the possible outcomes. Then, ask yourself, “Is this something I should stop completely?” The decision we make here is the next stepping-stone toward our destination!. In order to start on the journey of our personal brand calling in business, something else has to stop. It’s likely MANY things have to stop (especially if you’re a freak like me and love to launch things!). Although the word ‘stopping’ is usually seen as negative, it’s not so negative when we think of stopping to get gas. Stopping can be one of the most productive things we do in business! When we stop to take inventory of where we are and where we want to go, we can then decide how to move into our calling in business. In other words, stopping actually means stepping in a new direction in our entrepreneurial journey. What can you stop in order to move you closer to God’s divine direction?. My prayer for myself and for you is that we stop, repent, and turn away from anything that’s not serving our entrepreneurial calling and return to God and His path for our personal brand. #ChristianBloggers #SharpenLeadership 7 Steps to Launching Your Christian Personal Brand There are seven key factors for succeeding at launching the purpose God has placed in your heart for you to fulfill. Heard of the Godpreneur Academy? Grow Your Business, God’s Way! Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account

  • Got Sidetracked from Launching Your Christian Blog? Here’s How to Get Back to God’s Bus

    I’ve been building my Christian personal brand since 2014. I was also running my branding and marketing agency at the same time. It’s not easy to launch a personal brand while also running a business. From one day to the next, a client can call with a massive project, forcing me to put my “pet project” to the side so I can make some money. Just like that, my desire to get out there with my “signature product” has been derailed…again… I know I’m not alone because I’m in the business of launching people’s personal brands…it’s a struggle we all share! Entrepreneurship is like the Miami weather in the summer – one moment it’s clear skies, and the next moment there’s a hurricane. The danger with this “unpredictable storm” is that it could lead to a place of us asking ourselves “why would God make it so hard for me to do what I feel He’s calling me to do?” To make matters worse, when we do finally launch our Christian personal brand, we don’t get the number of subscribers we sought or purchases we predicted. This can REALLY derail even the most faithful church-goer! When we start going through some very real trials on our personal brand journey, we question why God would allow it. We may even fight back tears of anger and frustration and think, “How can I represent a God I can’t trust?”. Our questions and doubts hit at the heart of one of a Christian entrepreneur’s biggest decisions: Will we trust that God is good even when business is not? Our response to pain and challenges along the personal brand journey determines so much about our future success (or failure). The Bible tells the story of doubting Thomas. He didn’t believe Jesus was resurrected until Jesus shows up and proves it by showing Thomas his piercings and scars. But then Jesus tells Thomas one of the most important lessons for all Christianity. Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29 NIV) Faith in entrepreneurship requires trust in a plan from God that’s not always predictable or understandable by our human standards. If you’re honest, you too want irrefutable proof of God’s providence on your personal brand journey – especially if you’re doing it for the Kingdom!  You want proof in a number of followers, subscribers, likes, comments, and retweets. You want the proof in sales and joint ventures. We tend to think we wouldn’t be going through a struggle of launching and growing a Christian personal brand if God were really with us.  We may even think putting God in the brand was a mistake. But that’s not it. With Jesus is in our brand’s boat, the storms of solitude may still rock us, but we won’t sink. He’s with us, both in a successful launch and in the worst-case imaginable…nobody listens. God is with us. God is for us. Who can be against us? Let’s all trust God with whatever we’ve been holding back on our Christian personal brand journey. Let’s trust Him with our future product launches. Let’s trust Him with our virtual assistants. Let’s trust Him with our social media channels. Let’s trust Him with our followers. Let’s trust Him that he’ll provide financially! Let’s trust God without a doubt that we’re on the right path! Period. Let’s pray: Heavenly Father, we trust You with the personal brand we’re starting and other things we’re stopping. We trust You with where we’re staying and going in Your name. We trust You enough to give our business life to serve and connect to the people you’ve entrusted us with. We trust You are present with purpose in the midst of our entrepreneurial storms. Thank You for being with us, guiding our steps, and giving us a calling to be Your light in the marketplace. Amen. #NewEntrepreneurs #ChristianBloggers 7 Steps to Launching Your Christian Personal Brand There are seven key factors for succeeding at launching the purpose God has placed in your heart for you to fulfill. Heard of the Godpreneur Academy? Grow Your Business, God’s Way Bible-Based Video Courses for Entrepreneurs Putting God First In their Businesses Click here to create a Free Account

  • 10 Bible Verses on Starting a New Business

    The world is still in short supply of Christian business leaders and entrepreneurs. This article is an encouragement for starting new businesses. Not just that, but also the assistance we are meant to provide for the hurting world. The common name for what we do as entrepreneurs is Business. But for the Christian entrepreneur, business is more than making money. Business is our divine calling. It is serving God’s purpose for His creation, though in the process, we make money. So, every new business should be founded in God. One of the many struggles we go through is having the courage to start. The other is fear – fear of failing, fear of the unknown, fear of criticism, fear of harsh business climate, and even fear of success (ironically). Without pretense, fear is real and common to all. Struggles and fears are only proof that we are human. Fear is worth noting as a normal response to starting a business but not worth indulging in because this has kept many paralyzed and tossed around for too long. We need to see fear as a motivation to succeed because our breakthrough lies on the other side of fear. Having said all the above, I am sharing with you below Bible verses that speak to you about starting a new business. Please don’t just read; ensure you understand some business management tools and principles they convey. You won’t just be starting a new business, but starting it in God’s way. 1. Business ideation But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. (Job 32:8 KJV) The first step in starting a new business is having a business idea/insight from God. This is important because you need to know what you are called to do – the solution you are bringing to meet the needs in the market. 2. Faith and Courage “Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things (we) hope for, being the proof of things (we) do not see and the conviction of their reality (faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses)” – Hebrews 11:1 (AMP). When your senses tell you “it’s not doable”, faith sees it done. Without exercising your faith, you may not rise to the call. It takes good courage to conquer fears and struggles. Faith is the vehicle that takes you from your present to your desired future. It is a very potent business tool for the Christian entrepreneur. Faith gives you the courage to keep on despite opposition. 3. Write the Vision “Write the vision. Make it clear on tablets so that anyone can read it quickly” – Habakkuk 2:2 (GW). You must write down where the business is headed. This is not just for you but for all those who will come to be part of the business. Vision drives the passion for doing business. 4. Research 17“. . . After you go through the Southern Desert of Canaan, continue north into the hill country 18and find out what those regions are like. Be sure to remember how many people live there, how strong they are, 19and if they live in open towns or walled cities. See if the land is good for growing crops and find out what kinds of trees grow there. It’s time for grapes to ripen, so try to bring back some of the fruit that grows there” – Numbers 13:17-19 (CEV). The research will open your eyes to the opportunities and threats that exist, for or against your new business, and help you to adopt strategies to navigate through. See how detailed Moses was in researching a city they were about to possess. Each of those details is an action point for him in the journey. 5. Planning 28“If one of you is planning to build a tower, you sit down first and figure out what it will cost, to see if you have enough money to finish the job” - Luke 14:28 (GNB). Planning is determining the course of the business in advance. It goes to set out what is to be done, when, how, and who will do it. Business goals and objectives are achieved through planning. Planning is a thinking process. It is not a one-time activity. Situations may demand planning and replanning. 6. Investment “I can guarantee this truth: A single grain of wheat doesn’t produce anything unless it is planted in the ground and dies. If it dies, it will produce a lot of grain” - John 12:24 (GW). The only way of becoming wealthy is by investing your resources. What you do not invest in does not increase. Going into business is for the purpose of investment. Never forget that you need God’s help to make wise investments. 7. Building a Team “Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively” – Ecclesiastes 4:9 (GNB). It is almost impossible to work alone in a business. You need a team with different skill sets to work with. A team is not some people working together but people who are aligned with the vision and trust themselves to achieve a common goal. When people work together, they can multiply their outputs. 8. Decision Making 5“Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. 6. . . and he will show you the right way” – Proverbs 3:5-6 (GNB). Humans are limited in knowledge. You just have to let God fill you with His wisdom so that you can get it right all the time. The difference between right and wrong decisions is like a thin line. 9. Marketing and Sales “Listen! Whoever is thirsty, come to the water! Whoever has no money can come, buy, and eat! Come, buy wine and milk. You don’t have to pay; it’s free!” – Isaiah 55:1 (GW). Marketing is all about persuading people who need your solution to come and buy. Sales then happen when they are fully convinced. Learn from this scripture the persuasive strategy and added value of free offers. 10. Dedicate your Business to God “And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth . . .” - Deuteronomy 8:18 (NKJV). The power to succeed is with God. Business success is never a linear journey up there. You must then commit all to the hands of God, who gives you the power (ideas, insights, wisdom, strategy, knowledge) to get wealth. The world will marvel at the uncommon growth your business will experience if you follow scriptures. #NewEntrepreneurs #TrustOnGod

  • How to Write Catchy Blog Titles Christian Readers Can't Resist [6 Tips]

    . - How long should my blog title be? - What words should I use? - What words should I avoid? On the other hand, a working title is particular and guides creating a single blog post. Let's say I was writing this blog post: "Think Social Media Is Just for Influencers? What's your process for crafting blog titles? Let us know in the comments. To read more articles about blogging, click here. #ChristianBloggers

  • Being Known as a Religious Blogger

    We Christian business bloggers, face the fact that we write in a world that would classify us as religious (Romans 8:1) If you’re struggling to get traction for your blog, friends aren’t sharing your posts, people #ChristianBloggers #BusinessBibleStudy #GodpreneurAcademy Keys to Successful Christian Blogging In this course, I'll give you some keys God taught me about how to write a successful Christian blog.

  • Expand Your Kingdom Impact: A 30-Day Devotional Series for the Christian Personal Brand

    with divine intention, and maximally impacting your audience. 2) Keys to Successful Christian Business Blogging Good blogging isn’t just about attracting clicks—it’s about delivering value. In this plan, receive divine guidance for creating a Christian blog that not only reaches a wide audience The series will equip you to build a compelling personal brand, master the art of Christian business blogging

  • Find Out What God Called You to Talk About

    Even this blog post about writing blog posts is aligned with my calling because it’s having my readers We bring our blogs into full alignment when we search, and He answers. If you need help launching your blog, take my course in the Godpreneur Academy called 3 Steps to Launching #BusinessBibleStudy #ChristianBloggers #GodprenerAcademy Keys to Successful Christian Blogging In this course, I'll give you some keys God taught me about how to write a successful Christian blog.

  • Staying Positive Even When Going Through Hard Times

    It could be related to the blogging side of our life, our personal life, or our other revenue-generating Because your blogging is going to help many entrepreneurs draw closer to God. it means being firmly rooted in the Word and not being distracted by the latest fads in business and blogging #ChristianBloggers #BusinessBibleStudy #GodpreneurAcademy Keys to Successful Christian Blogging In this course, I'll give you some keys God taught me about how to write a successful Christian blog.

  • Having Realistic Expectations for Success

    In 2018, my blog Daily Godpreneur was listed in the Top 30 Christian Business Blogs. It surprised me that not even my mother could read and relate to my blog. It wasn’t until I started sharing my blogs on Facebook that I began seeing readers trickle in and sign This was in my 2nd year of blogging. I blogged to myself for an entire year! course, I'll give you some keys God taught me about how to write a successful Christian blog.

  • Come Up With Specific Topics to Talk About

    When I got the inspiration to start my blog for Christian entrepreneurs, I started writing down all of We Christian bloggers can all move into an entirely new way of life because the blog allows us to work A blog allows us to be remade. And the best part is it won’t feel forced! Why? How do we know exactly what to blog about? Gather all of these blog topics. Have a way to add more as more ideas come to mind.

  • How Not to Give Up on Your Writing

    I remember those early days of starting my blog. It was exciting. Even my Christian business friends weren’t reading my blogs. You were sure of yourselves when you started writing your blog. It’s still a sure thing! Christian blogging is a journey towards God. It’s a Pilgrimage we’re on. posts, and my blog is featured as Top 3 Christian Business Blogs worldwide.

  • Choose One Person to Direct Your Content to

    In 2014, I launched my blog, It all started with ONE blog post…my first one. That’s a huge clue God’s given us to reveal the target market we were called to blog to. What would you write to your child 20 years from now when they read your blog? A blog post is supposed to solve one person’s problem, and you have the answer.

  • Being Confident When Writing

    We don’t know who is up at 2 am reading our blog and having a moment of revelation that can change their Same with your Christian business blog; no matter how much content is out on the internet, your topic it at the right time, you’ve done your job, and God’s using your blog to change lives. Since we believe that we were called to blog, then we need to act like professional bloggers. course, I'll give you some keys God taught me about how to write a successful Christian blog.

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