Alex Miranda

3 min

In God, We Entrepreneurs Trust: Part 1 – Why Trust is Important

Updated: Jul 4, 2021

As an entrepreneur, I’m living in a constant state of awareness that a product launch might not be a hit, a big client could leave me, an employee could steal from me, or a lawsuit could fall on me.

Although all of these things have happened to me in my businesses already, as a Godpreneur, I’m still supposed to look up to God and trust that He’s got a plan for all of the twists and turns in my business.

It’s not easy for us to trust God always. Especially when the bank account inches closer to zero and we’re not sure how to cover payroll on the 15th.

For most people, trust is a delicate subject and extremely difficult to find given our past hurts and experiences. We’ve all been burnt by the stove of lies, disappointments, and let-downs by people or circumstances. We’ve trusted people in our business and have been betrayed. We put all our hopes into a certain product, service, or marketing campaign, and it flopped. It doesn’t matter how big or small the company is; I’ve witnessed entrepreneurs who are insanely skeptical, to the point where it paralyzes them.

Trust is one of the most important pillars of the Christian entrepreneur’s walk. Trusting the processes that God takes us through, and having faith that he’s in charge regardless of the outcome, is key to the success of our businesses. But for many of us, the past experiences leave us scared, unsure, and insecure to make a move.

Luckily, God’s given us a whole bunch of encouragement on the is of trust. Let’s first understand WHY entrepreneurs need to trust.

The Bible says:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones". Proverbs 3:5‭-‬8 NIV

This Proverb explains why you need to trust God. God is like the Chairman of the Board of Directors of your company. You’re the “president” of the company, He’s the CEO. In this posture, you acknowledge that He’s powerful, deep, and perfect in His plans. Close your eyes and imagine you’re walking into His office in the morning and trusting that whatever has already happened, His plans are in motion to course-correct; and He’s going to use You to see the plan though.

When you can embrace that His plan and process for your business, you’ll be headed in the right direction for something great to happen, and the direction will be towards what you were born to do.

As Godpreneurs, we put God in front of and connected to the word entrepreneur because there’s a direct correlation between acknowledging Him and the direction of our businesses. I know it’s hard for us to trust what we can’t see or put an ROI on, but we must use the power of trust in God.

When we don’t trust God in our day-to-day business lives, we are taking the future circumstances out of God’s control and leaving things up to the marketplace to decide our fate; the marketplace doesn’t want you to exist, that’s a bad place to be guided by.

Today, take some time to visualize God as the CEO, and you as the President. Trust Him, even if He doesn’t draw out the plan for you to fully understand. Wait and see that God will come through more than you’ve imagined. Trust in God’s processes, regardless of the waiting period or situation.

This is business; we don’t understand or know what will happen…ever! Godpreneurs must trust. Period. It’s not something we do once. It’s an every second of the day thing. We must constantly be aware that God has a plan for our business in the marketplace. God’s 100% in control, even when we’re not. Let’s trust in Him.

